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Showing posts with the label BC

Coming to a Court Near You: Dogimony for "Companion Animals"

New BC Law Changes How Pets Are Divided Up in Divorce & Family Law Cases Yesterday I had the pleasure of accepting Kristy Cameron's invitation to join her on her radio show in Ottawa to weigh in on the recent changes to the Family Law Act in British Columbia . You can find her show at iHeart Radio 580 CFRA News Talk Radio . One of my favourite parts of the show was when Kristy and her producer Chris coined the word "dogimony." It was on the topic of how the ownership and possession of pets is now decided in British Columbia courts. Photo credit: Yuliya Strizhkina. A pet's best interests are now one of the principles a BC judge must consider when deciding which party gets ownership and possession of the companion animal. The relationship a child has with the pet and the relationship the other spouse has are also required considerations. It's like a combined best interest of the pet + stakeholder principle.  What are the changes in s 92 and s 97 of BC’s Family L...